Importance of a Daily Routine

Having a daily routine is an important part of a healthy and happy lifestyle. A well planned daily routine will put your body and mind at ease by setting a healthy boundaries around your day. I’ve been following a pretty strict daily routine for years now and I can tell you from my experience that it helped me tremendously in improving both of my physical and mental wellness. Here are some of the ways having a set daily routine can help you live a healthier and happier life.  

It sets a structure for your life

Your daily routine works as a backbone to your day. It sets the overall structure of your day so you can mentally and physically prepare for the rest of your day. This is important because having a routine, or structure, works as a boundaries for your life. If you have a solid structure, you can be the owner of your day and decide what goes in or does not go in to your day. It’s easier to say no to stuff you don’t want if you already have a daily routine set. 

Less stress for your body and mind

Having a daily routine puts less stress on your body and mind because you generally know what’s going to happen for the day. Imagine your commute to work, if you’re taking a same route everyday, you will become familiar with the route so you can just coast your commute. However, if you’re taking a different route each time you commute, you will have to be more alert, paying attention to traffic and turns more than usual, and putting more stress on your body and mind. Having a daily routine is like taking a same route everyday, so your body and mind can be in more relaxed state and coast.

It helps your productivity

If you ask a lot of the most successful people in the world, most will tell you they adhere to their daily routine, although their strictness may vary. By following a set schedule everyday, your body and mind can pay less attention to mundane stuff and focus its attention on more important things that needs to be done, which helps improving your productivity. That’s why you will find a lot of the most highly successful people waking up same time, going to bed same time, and even eating the same food or wearing same clothes everyday. 

It protects you from spiraling down

We all have our good days and bad days. You don’t have to worry so much about the good days but it’s important to keep the bad days from turning into bad weeks or even months. Daily routine works as a safety net against those bad days because by keeping your body moving according to schedule regardless of how you’re feeling emotionally, you’re preventing the negative emotions from taking over your entire day, which helps you get through the day safely and prepare for a better day tomorrow. 

Consistency is the key

We all know consistency is the key to achieving any goal, and setting a daily routine is the best way to keep your days consistent. Having a set daily routine means your days mostly flows the same way so it’s easy to keep your days consistent. Keeping a consistent flow is important in staying on the course of whatever you want to achieve and prevents you from not only sprialing down as mentioned above, but also from over extending yourself, potentially exposing yourself to a burnout. 

Everyone has a different schedule and live a different lifestyle. It’s important not to blindly follow other’s routine just because they’re more successful or because it worked for them, but closely observe your own schedule and set up a routine that best suits your lifestyle. So start with a general time schedule and make adjustments along the way until you find your own daily routine that is sustainable, and keep making adjustments as your schedule or lifestyle changes in the future. 


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